Breast reduction in Tunisia
Breast reduction surgery is a cosmetic surgery to reshape breasts and reduce large heavy breasts, improve appearance, reduce back pain and improve the patient’s posture.
Many patients suffering from breast enlargement resort to mammaplasty reduction aiming to reduce the volume, correcting the ptosis and a possible asymmetry in order to achieve harmony of the two breasts themselves and with respect to the morphology of the patient (both breasts reduced size ascended, symmetrical and remodeled).
If you want to have more information about this plastic surgery of breasts, do not hesitate to ask for all the details and all the information by contacting Dr. Shiraz Bouzguenda, a very competent specialist in cosmetic surgery of the breasts. Your cosmetic surgeon will be able to send you the price for the mammaplasty reduction.
The definition of breast hypertrophy means a too accentuated breast volume, especially with respect to the morphology of the patient. Usually associated with excess of volume, breasts sagging (ptosis) and often some kind of asymmetry.
A breast hypertrophy the associated physical and functional repercussions characterized by pain in the neck, shoulders and back, discomfort with the practice of sports and discomfort with the attire. This often results, in a remarkable psychological impact.
The mammoplasty reduction is a surgical procedure that aims to reduce the volume of hypertrophic breasts (excess volume), removing both excess skin and mammary gland.
The breast reduction surgery accomplishes the reduction in breast size by repositioning the areola and nipple in their perfect place: breast lift. This is to refocus and ascend the gland and remove the gland and the skin in excess to finish with both harmonious breasts, shapely and well- rounded. Thus, any breast asymmetry can be corrected through mammoplasty
Contrary to breast augmentation, breast reduction mammoplasty intervenes ablating the excess glandular tissue in order to obtain results in a harmonious size of breasts with the general appearance of the silhouette of the patient and his personal wishes. This breast reduction is performed while ascensionnant , focusing and reshaping the residual glandular volume.
An adaptation of the skin envelope is performed which causes an excess stretching of the skin while providing good performance and good shapely new breasts. The cosmetic surgeon then sutures the banks of the skin that later form the mammaplasty reduction scars.
There are two types of scars: the scar inverted T and the vertical scar.
Dr. Chiraz Bouzguenda chooses between these two types of scars depending on the degree of hypertrophy and ptosis.
- A significant and important breast hypertrophy Case This case often requires making use of the technique inverted T in three different stages: periareolar around the areola, in the middle between brown skin and light skin, vertical right between the lower pole of the areola and the crease under the breast, horizontal hidden in the crease under the breast.
- Moderate breast hypertrophy Case: This case is done according to the technique "vertical" who subscribed to eliminate cross scar in the crease under the breast and reduce scarring its components periareolar and vertical.
It is possible to perform mammaplasty for hypertrophy at the end of growth and throughout life.
Patients may consider pregnancy; however it is advisable to wait at least 12 months after the intervention.
It is important to note that the mammaplasty reduction does not increase the risk of occurrence of cancer.
Preparation for breast reduction surgery in Tunisia include:
- Assessing your overall health by performing a complete preoperative assessment.
- Make an echo-mammography.
- Ten days before surgery: Stop any medication containing aspirin or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
- Stopping birth control pills one month before surgery.
- It is imperative to stop smoking 15 days prior to breast reduction surgery so as not to impede the healing process.
- Type of anesthesia: The reduction mammaplasty is performed under general anesthesia.
- Terms of hospitalization: The reduction mammaplasty requires a hospital stay of three days on average.
Breast reduction surgery usually requires between 3:00 to 3:30. Breast reduction usually involves three incisions. After excision of excess breast tissue, fat and skin, the nipple and areola are moved to a higher position. The areola can be reduced in size. Skin that has been located above the nipple is brought down and the whole is remodeled. Liposuction can be used to improve the contour under the arm.
Initially, the surgeon will use a surgical marker to indicate on your skin where the incisions will be. These brands are particularly important, because your breasts change shape once you are lying on your back on the operating table.
The choice of the technique of the mammaplasty reduction depends on the size of your breasts, the degree of breasts sagging and positioning of the nipple - areola complex.
Your surgeon will remove the skin, the gland and the excess breast fat. If your breasts are asymmetrical, the surgeon can remove more breast tissue than the other. Having turned the areola, skin, the gland and the remaining fat will then be reshaped to create a more youthful and more harmonious form of the breast.
In most cases, the drains will be placed into the breast to collect excess fluid and blood.
The incisions are then closed with sutures in several planes.
End of the procedure, a compression bandage is placed.
After breast reduction surgery, you have a feeling of discomfort in the breast with pain, which can be relieved by analgesics. Aspirin should be avoided.
You should be aware that there will be bruising, swelling, numbness in the breasts, which will decrease after 2 to 3 weeks.
Strict care must be performed postoperatively: The dressings must be kept clean and dry for two to three weeks after breast reduction surgery.
The sons are absorbable.
You can take a shower after a week of surgery. After breast reduction, it is necessary to wear a compression bra during the first six weeks.
Expect to feel tired until two weeks after surgery.
You can drive after the first week.
You can return to work after 2-3 weeks.
We should not do physical exercises for 2 months.
It is not recommended to get pregnant in the postoperative year.
Breastfeeding after breast reduction surgery is possible but neither guaranteed nor advised.
The results of breast reduction surgery are permanent. The final result will be appreciated after 6 postoperative months. Your new breast size will greatly alleviate pain and physical limitations you had before breast reduction surgery, and in addition will improve your self-image and confidence.
Breast reduction surgery always leaves visible and permanent scarring on the breasts. But the quality of scars varies from one person to another. Although red and swollen at first, scars usually fade over time. Their final appearance will be definitely appreciated after a year.
As with all surgeries, there are always risks. However, breast reduction is a very safe procedure, if performed by a qualified cosmetic surgeon.
Common risks include:
- Hematoma (less than 0.1%),
- An infection (less than 0.1%),
- A poor healing of the areola with a risk of necrosis of the nipple-areola especially in smokers (less than 1%),
- Loss of sensation in the nipples or breasts. This is often temporary, lasting a few months. But in some women, it lasts much longer or becomes permanent,
- The fat necrosis with cystostéatonécrose (less than 1%) extending the healing time and in extreme cases requiring surgical revision,
- Hypertrophic scars or expanded poor.
Other general risks are known: thromboembolic risk, risk of general anesthesia.
Ultimately, the mammaplasty reduction remains a safe and low risk; do not overstate the risks of breast reduction surgery but simply read it.
The price of a breast reduction surgery in Tunisia is € 2,000 and includes your pre-operative and post-operative care. You will receive a detailed quote after sending your medical questionnaire and photos.
Breast reduction surgery abroad
- Procedure : aims to reduce breast size reshape and lift the breasts by removing excess fat, breast tissue and skin and lifting the areola for natural cosmetic appearance of the breast.
- Anesthesia : General
- Operating time : 3 hours
- Duration of hospital stay : 3 nights
- Duration of the overall stay : 8 days
- Convalescence : 15 days